The goal here is to enlighten the masses about the up and coming changes on this planet, what to expect, and how to cope with the new reality thrust upon you. The global situation before us is one of great concern. It’s all happening right now, and if you’re one that doesn’t know that by now, you truly are asleep to the affairs around you, but you’ve reached us just in time. I reassure you that all may be well anyway, but being as all possibilities exists, you may be in real trouble. The end conclusion is one of your own choosing.
Remember that the state of enlightenment, which we intend to inflict upon the individual in this piece, is one comparable to that of a temporary reward, and one that is a momentary step within experience. Many people, with their goals set on attaining enlightenment, are lost in the woods when they finally achieve it. What this means is that after the experience they are left wanting more, and feeling its nature as fleeting, can’t even comprehend the enormity of what just happened. Some continue on in their journey’s not knowing that enlightenment is simply one step upon the path of life. It would be easy to lose sight of the way, once this experience was felt, if you weren’t prepared to change the way you think about the world thereafter.
In order to correct the original goal at the onset, it would perhaps bode well to imagine the existence of a spiral of infinitely interwoven possibilities, instead of imagining this steady state idea of a moment of enlightenment. You must learn to see here that the very act of thinking changes at this juncture. We begin to lose grips, with what was just before. (when what was just before.)
In attaining that proverbial “state” of being one must be able to see that it isn’t a single state at all. It would better be represented by saying it is a movement of states. There is no stationary as such, only motion relative to something else which is also moving. The Shift is upon us, and briefly sweeping over our minds, but to see it on the horizon of reality we must begin to grasp the circumference and dimension of the qualities. As you look around any room, all you see are objects, but these objects are not what they seem. It is easy to forget that all these objects had to, in some way, be born into life through the breath of thought itself. Yes, but then you ask about the objects provided to man through nature?
There are deep ways of divergence at this point I will attempt to capture the nature of It. You think plants, animals, metals and minerals. All are of nature, correct? So would it be necessary to ask the question, Are all these secondary to the construct of mind, idea and thought?
The misconception, during the onset of your goal, was to be enlightened in general, and seeing as this writing, claims to be attempting to manifest this enlightened state within the reader, please note that this is an intentional launching point for you to go from here on your own. I intend this as a guide to help you along your way, and then off to create new vistas of imagination for the next world to come.
The power of the mind, connected intimately with other human disciplines is the last resort to saving the cumulative efforts of known history in its quest to evolve and solve the most majestic of human questions. By setting out as one’s goal, to answer these questions, and in turn getting progressively refined at obtaining meaningful results, something never before comprehended by human thought begins to form on the horizon of the celestial oceans. The implication of these changes is something wholly incapable of description, and I’ll simply leave it at that for now…..(a)
From suffering comes a certain type of discernment about the so called outside world. I say “so called” because it is imperative that we realize that the outside world is actually a sensation provided to us by the power of the five senses. Yes there are things out in the world, but at all times, it is our minds, in concert with our physical brains, that create the world we experience. In the state of suffering we feel lost in the fog. Disconnected from the source, suffering also brings along with it an addiction in itself. Over the creation period of our experienced pain, the resultant emotional states become addictive in their own ways. Brain science is attempting to understand this relation ship to emotions and how this may be the actual source of addition at a primitive level. If we can grasp a complete control over our emotional reactions whether positive or negative, we gain a better grip over the circumstances and happenings in life.
One approach to dealing with emotions and the additions associated with them is to meditate in quiet solitude and study the reflections in the mirrored surface of the mind by going within and watching the activities of the brain with all its activity. We have a 100 billion neurons, and about 100 trillion individual synapses in the brain, yet we constantly calculate about 400 billion bits of information per second while only being consciously aware of around 2000 bits per second. If you can’t see the value of meditation at this point, I deplore you, so keep searching for your truth, it can set you free.
To be fully free from suffering completely is an ideal illusion, but the goal should remain that we learn to control how we deal with the pain. If we can learn to look at the world from a slightly different perspective, we are actually changing the realities of existence surrounding our unique conditions. Meditation allows for an individual opportunity to do exactly that. It’s also the best way to “Know Thyself,” and the best way to tap into the potential of 400 billion calculations per second.
Our minds are so very much more plastic and resilient against hostile conditions then most people understand. Science is beginning to come to terms with facts that are so awe inspiring and alien in thought, that conceiving of the new terrain in an articulate manner becomes increasingly difficult. Paradox after paradox Western science is coming face to face with Eastern philosophies. The time for science and religion to shake hands is fast approaching and the overwhelming inertial momentum of the global religious systems are slowly dying in their old age and outdated structure of reality. As humans progress in knowledge and understanding we simply outgrow our juvenile delusions, and it seems that now we are attempting to graduate into a new way of ordering reality with humanity.
While the old system is crumbling before our very eyes, it is up to the individuals in society that somewhat grasp the new paradigm shift to come to be guides and beacons of light to those who have suffered into the muck of materialism and Cartesian thinking. The duality that manifests in reality has been confused for the actuality of the situation. We live in a singular unified world whether we realize it or not. The way we describe the world may or may not reflect fully the way of the universe at large, or humanity in its foundational essence. History has a way of continually refining our overt understandings and operational procedures of governance, power, and control which always reflect our levels of conscious understanding and discovery.
So much of what we understand seeps up through our subconscious minds, but over time, we gain a better foot hold on what our inquires into matter and substance mean to us on a human level. There is a barrage of difficulties on the horizon for our global community, and the fresh perspective on this new change is our guiding light to solving and resolving our issues.
(a)….. The good news is that we don’t have to describe it. It only requires us to imagine, all the rest will work itself out. To imagine the changes first is the prerequisite to its extension in the collective outside world. This idea is not easy to grasp but being of such importance, we should all strive to wrap our curiosities around this conundrum.
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